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Týdenní přehled
Weekly review | Today's economy mirrors the late 1920s
Weekly review | Massive Federal Debt Burden
Weekly review | 134-year-old American furniture retailer Bankrupt
Weekly review | Recession Warning Signs, Oil Prices Dip, Gold’s Safe-Haven Rise
Weekly review | Trump’s Tariff Impact, Deficit Spending Crisis
Weekly review | The War on Cash, Quick Decisions Impact Markets, Corruption's Hidden Cost
Weekly review | April’s Inflation Spike, Oil Prices Hold Amid Unrest, Copper FTW, Rome’s Fall
Weekly review | Capital Gains Tax, Biden, Tax Policy, U.S. Inflation, State and Federal Taxes
Weekly review | Affordability Strains U.S. Households, Economic Forecasts Fall Short
Weekly review | Gold Standard, Real Estate Crisis, Argentina's Government, True Capitalism
Weekly review | Angus Deaton, European Central Bank, Geopolitical Tensions, Free Trade Critique
Weekly review | Bitcoin Hits New Highs, Unfunded Liabilities Crisis, Rate Cuts on the Horizon
Weekly review | Argentina's Budget Surplus, Immigration Surge Under Biden, China's Real Estate
Weekly review | Global Economic Turmoil: Navigating Through Germany's Downturn, US Labor Shifts
Weekly review | India: Future Economic Power, Global Economy's Aging Crisis
Weekly review | CalSTRS Navigates Market Shift, Economic Collapse Looming
Investago TV | Weekly review | 4.12.2023
Investago TV | Weekly review | 21.11.2023
Weekly review | 24. 7. 2023
Weekly review | 19. 6. 2023
Weekly review | 12. 6. 2023
Weekly review | 29. 5. 2023
Weekly review | 22. 5. 2023
Weekly review | 15. 5. 2023
Weekly review | 24. 4. 2023
Weekly review | 17. 4. 2023
Weekly review | 3. 4. 2023
Weekly review | 27. 3. 2023
Weekly review | 20. 3. 2023
Týdenní shrnutí | 19. 12. 2022
Burza týdne
Investago TV | Stock of the week | Pfizer
Investago TV | Stock of the week | Lam Research
Investago TV | Stock of the week | JPMorgan
Investago TV | Stock of the week | PayPal
Investago TV | Stock of the week | Adobe
Investago TV | Stock of the week | Disney (NYSE: DIS)
Investago TV | Stock of the week | Celsius
Investago TV | Stock of the week | Starbucks
Investago TV | Stock of the week | Carnival Corp
Investago TV | Stock of the week | Snowflake
Investago TV | Stock of the week | 3M
Investago TV | Stock of the week | Lemonade
Investago TV | Stock of the week | Reddit
Investago TV | Stock of the week | Nvidia
Investago TV | Stock of the week | Delta
Investago TV | Stock of the week | Intel
Investago TV | Stock of the week | Tesla
Investago TV | Stock of the week | Berkshire Hethaway
Stock of the week | Oddity
Stock of the week | Meta
Stock of the week | Cava
Stock of the week | Disney
Stock of the week | AMC Entertainment
Stock of the week | Adani Group
Stock of the week | Bed Bath & Beyond
Stock of the week | Posco
Stock of the week | Tesla
Stock of the week | Alibaba
Stock of the week | Costco
Obchodní akademie
Víte, jaké typy derivátů existují? | Edukace část 6.
Víte, jak se orientovat ve zpravodajství a světové ekonomice? | Edukace část 5.
Co je to výzva k úhradě marže? | Edukace část 4.
Jaké jsou základní činnosti obchodníka na platformě? | Edukace část 3.
Jak funguje burza? | Edukace část 2.
Rozumíte tomu, s čím obchodujete? | Edukace část 1.
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