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Investago | Autodesk released its third quarter results on November 22
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Autodesk released its third quarter results on November 22

Autodesk released its third quarter results on November 22, 2022. The company's sales were up 14% year-over-year to $1.28 billion, revenue was also up 14%, and earnings were up nearly 45%. At first glance, these numbers could predict a positive investment horizon. [1]

Interestingly, however, even though the company showed growth in the most significant figures, investors were selling. Autodesk shares wrote off 10% after the financial reports were released.* The reason was that analysts had consensus on the lower bounds of the individual financial items. For example, the company reported net income of $1.19 billion and the estimate was $20 million higher. Another item was earnings per share, which missed the lower bound by three-hundredths of a dollar. Based on these two items and others, investors became cautious and started selling.


Autodesk is an international company that deals with 3D modeling software. This segment has a relatively long history, and the market size of this industry exceeds $9.5 billion. However, this industry has a lot of improvements and superstructure technologies to come in the future, such as augmented reality, virtual reality or what is loosely translated as the "Internet of Things". These sub-sectors are set to see huge growth in the future as more and more money flows into this type of technology. [2] For example, AR is now reaching a market size of $25 billion, and is expected to be worth over $600 billion in 2030, a nearly 25-fold increase in 8 years. [3] Here, of course, no one knows if a new technology will hit the market that would surpass the current ones or if Autodesk will still be around in 2030. However, it is good to keep in mind that this particular company is in a segment that has huge potential in the future.


* Past performance is no guarantee of future results


[1,2,3] Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and current expectations, which may be inaccurate, or on the current economic environment, which may change. Such statements are not guarantees of future performance. They involve risks and other uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by any forward-looking statements.

Kockázati figyelmeztetés: A CFD-k összetett eszközök, és a tőkeáttétel miatt nagy a kockázata a gyors pénzvesztésnek. A lakossági befektetők számláinak 91.79% százaléka veszít pénzt a CFD-k kereskedése során. Meg kell fontolnia, hogy érti-e a CFD-k működését, és hogy megengedheti-e magának a pénzvesztés magas kockázatát.
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Kapcsolódó hírek
Kockázati figyelmeztetés: A CFD-k összetett eszközök, és a tőkeáttétel miatt nagy a kockázata a gyors pénzvesztésnek. A lakossági befektetők számláinak 91.79% százaléka veszít pénzt a CFD-k kereskedése során. Meg kell fontolnia, hogy érti-e a CFD-k működését, és hogy megengedheti-e magának a pénzvesztés magas kockázatát.