Snowflake Inc. (NYSE: SNOW) experienced a notable 14.2% drop in its stock price in March 2024, a reaction to its earnings report that presented a dimmer outlook for the upcoming year and announced the CEO's departure.
*Despite reporting a revenue increase to $775 million, marking over 30% growth, and demonstrating strong financial health with $320 million in free cash flow, the forecast for the next year's growth at 26%-27% did not meet investor expectations for rapid expansion, triggering a sell-off. The departure of the CEO added to the uncertainty, contributing to the stock's volatility, given its lofty valuation ratios at the time.
The valuation of Snowflake, with a forward price-to-earnings ratio near 200 and other high valuation metrics, reflects the high expectations investors have placed on its growth trajectory. However, the company's slower anticipated growth rate and the broader market's shift towards valuing stability over rapid expansion have put Snowflake under scrutiny. The promotion of Sridhar Ramaswamy, the former senior vice president of AI, to CEO offers some continuity in leadership, especially in strategic areas like artificial intelligence that are crucial for Snowflake's growth.
Performance Snowflake Company´s stock over 5 years
* Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
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