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Pfizer's New Patient Portal Initiative

Pfizer has announced its entry into the direct-to-consumer business, a significant shift that mirrors a similar move by Eli Lilly earlier this year. Pfizer's new platform, PfizerForAll, is designed to streamline the process for patients seeking treatments for migraines, respiratory viruses, and vaccines. The initiative is part of Pfizer's broader strategy to enhance patient access to its products by simplifying the often complicated and time-consuming healthcare system.

Aamir Malik, Pfizer's Chief US Commercial Officer, emphasized that the platform aims to reduce the frustrations patients often face when navigating the healthcare system. Patients frequently struggle to find doctors who can promptly write the necessary prescriptions, and they also encounter various insurance hurdles, such as pre-authorization requirements and finding pharmacies that offer medications at lower co-pay costs. PfizerForAll seeks to address these issues by offering an alternative pathway for patients to access the medications they need.



However, Pfizer is clear that the platform will not force patients to choose Pfizer products; instead, the decision remains with the clinicians. The platform will also include a customer helpline to assist patients with common issues, such as dealing with insurers to remove access barriers.



Pfizer will drive traffic to the portal through targeted social media campaigns, guiding patients to specific landing pages based on their health concerns. From there, patients can opt for a telehealth visit through UpScript for $35 or an in-person visit via ZocDoc. The platform is not a replacement for the current healthcare system but rather an additional resource to enhance access and introduce patients to new treatment options.

Kockázati figyelmeztetés: A CFD-k összetett eszközök, és a tőkeáttétel miatt nagy a kockázata a gyors pénzvesztésnek. A lakossági befektetők számláinak 91.79% százaléka veszít pénzt a CFD-k kereskedése során. Meg kell fontolnia, hogy érti-e a CFD-k működését, és hogy megengedheti-e magának a pénzvesztés magas kockázatát.
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Kockázati figyelmeztetés: A CFD-k összetett eszközök, és a tőkeáttétel miatt nagy a kockázata a gyors pénzvesztésnek. A lakossági befektetők számláinak 91.79% százaléka veszít pénzt a CFD-k kereskedése során. Meg kell fontolnia, hogy érti-e a CFD-k működését, és hogy megengedheti-e magának a pénzvesztés magas kockázatát.